Video Setup: Don’t wait. Do it yourself.
Managing Your Schedule & Videos

You can now create match and training events yourself and upload your own videos for them.
You also now have the ability to create a scheduled event within Editor and upload your Editor project directly as your event video.
These new features mean you have full control of your scheduled events and event video across Bepro platforms.
Scheduling Fixed Cam Recordings
Have you ever missed a match or training recording because you forgot to request it with Bepro?
You can now arrange your own Fixed Cam recordings, within Bepro Space, according to your team’s schedule.
Set Match Time

Set your own match video timings once your videos have been uploaded.
Easily trim your videos by entering kick off and end timings.
Control Everything Through the Editor Too!

You can easily manage your events schedule and upload videos for your events through Editor.
Set match timings in real time when you use Editor for live coding.